Top 5 Tips For Writing Erotica

Ever dreamed of writing your own personal “50 Shades Of Wet Dreams”? Or of immortalizing the hot night you spent with the Greek waiter on that fishing boat last summer? No matter if your inspiration stems from truth or fiction (and I personally recommend a little mix of both,) I compiled a few tips for what to look out for when writing the next bestselling erotica novel. Or a steamy email to your partner. Just double-check the email address before you click send, my co-worker was pretty confused that day. Jk.
Good writing comes from a truthful place; an emotion you’ve felt before or an observation you’ve made. Even if it’s not the exact “motion” or story of your book, the core has to be real to you.
I can’t stress this enough: don’t write about what you’ve seen in porn! Porn’s already a fantasy and a pretty clichéd one at that. Nobody needs another pizza delivery guy servicing the bored housewife. Ok, maybe I wouldn’t say “no” in real life... but you catch my drift. People want to connect with what YOU have to say!
Society tells us a lot of things about our sexuality, being uncensored isn’t one of them. So at least on the page, let your freak flag fly.
I’m a big fan of something I call “purging,” which is a timed writing session (e.g. 15min) where I write whatever comes to mind without edits. It frees me from my own pre-conceptions and I always end up with something interesting, even if its just one sentence that can later spin into a whole new story.
You don’t have to make up a master-slave scenario set in ancient Egypt to grab someone’s attention. Sounds fun though...
Turn yourself on, laugh, connect to your body, masturbate! You might think the ladder was a joke but I’m dead serious. In erotica, you’re tasked to describe one of the most well known human experiences: sex. And to not fall back on overused clichés you got to connect to your own sexuality. Which, if you’re considering writing about sex, shouldn’t be an unbearable task. You’re writing erotica, after all, it better be exciting!