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Article: How to Give a Handjob He Will Remember

How to Give a Handjob He Will Remember

How to Give a Handjob He Will Remember

Handjobs might be one of the most underrated sex acts, as they are considered to be something only teenagers engage in or something that leads to the main course. Many women have a complicated relationship with giving a handjob, too often worrying about doing it right.

Learning how to give an unforgettable hand job to your man is possible.

In this post, we're breaking free from the stereotypes and diving into the nuanced world of handjobs. Whether you're a woman navigating the intricacies of this act or a partner eager to enhance mutual pleasure, these insights will guide you towards transforming the commonplace into an extraordinary experience. Join us on this journey as we explore the secrets of mastering touch, connection, and intimacy, offering you the keys to leave your partner utterly reeling with pleasure.

blowjob guide

A good hand job is all about delivery and your attitude. Show that you are excited to be playing with your partner's penis. Get vocal and tell your partner that you love how hard, big or sexy their penis is and how wet they are making you. The more excited you are the more aroused your partner will be.

Precum Play
The precum is the perfect lube, and it will intensify the sensations he is getting from your hand. If he is pre- cumming, spread the precum gently across the head of his penis using your fingertip.

Frenulum Focus
For most men, the most sensitive part of their penis is the head of the penis, especially the frenulum. This is the stringy piece of flesh on the underside of his penis, connecting the shaft to the head. You will want to give it extra love as it is particularly responsive to light and soft touch. While you want to give it more attention, be super gentle with it.  Lightly run your fingertips over it or stroke it up and down with the soft part of your fingertip.

Learn about his anatomy in this guide.

Consistency Is Key
Do not try to get too fancy with hand jobs and use all the strokes you have learnt. Most penises need consistency. Start slowly to see what he likes. Do not change up the strokes too much. Stick to two or three techniques, and stay with the one that feels best to your partner. Ask him to tell you what works for him.

When it comes to the best handjob techniques, remember that no one handjob technique fits all. Every penis is different, and every man reacts to slightly different touches,  intensity of grip and speed. It's essential to experiment with different styles and to communicate with your partner, asking him what feels best and watching his reactions.

Smooth hands
Before you even begin giving your man a hand job, make sure your hands are soft and smooth so that they provide maximum pleasure. Remove any jewelry that might feel too sharp.
Warm-up Slide
Have your partner lie down and let his cock lie on his belly. Apply plenty of lube over your palms and place them over your partner's penis. Alternating your hands, slide them from the perineum towards the tip of the penis spreading the lubricant over the entire penis.
Teasing Fingers
Glide across the penis using light finger caressing, even fingernails (use a very light touch if you are using fingernails).

The Standard Stroke with a Twist
The standard but slightly dull technique is to grab the penis, wrap your fingers around it, and stroke it up and down. To make this move more pleasurable, place your thumb over the head of his penis and rub it in circular motions while stroking him up and down.

The Low Grip
This one is to delay his orgasm. Grip your fingers firmly around the base of the shaft and slide your hand up and down. Stay low and avoid touching the most sensitive zones at the top (the head) 

The High Grip
It is the opposite of the low grip, focusing on the most sensitive zones of the penis. Grip your fingers around the upper part of the penis, sliding your hand up and down. Make sure you don't loosen the grip as you go over the head and the frenulum.

Add Your Mouth
The combination of your hands and mouth can result in earth shattering orgasms for him. If you want to learn how to pleasure your man with your mouth, we have the ultimate guide to blowjobs for you.

Some tips on the extras that you can do to intensify your man's pleasure when you are giving him a handjob:

This is one of the best finishers he will ever experience
Stimulating his prostate is one of the most powerful ways to give your man an orgasm. If your man isn't used to anal play, start with massaging the area between the anus and the scrotum. Apply ample pressure to it, and then rub it in circles. This will intensify his pleasure during a handjob– A LOT!

Kissing and licking this area will feel amazing for him too.
If he is ok with direct prostate stimulation, gently slide a finger inside his anus and then curl the tip towards his front. Slowly stimulate it by stroking it, massaging it, pressing it, and moving your finger in and out like you would when stimulating your G-Spot. The anus is a very sensitive area. Always communicate and keep watching his reactions.

Talking dirty to your man while giving him a handjob will multiply his pleasure. Tell him how much you enjoy giving him a handjob and how much you like his cock, and what you want him to do to you later.

This is a powerful way to increase your intimacy, especially when he is about to climax.

Seeing you naked pleasuring yourself while giving him a handjob will turn him on and excite him visually. Be vocal and let out moans.  Fully expressing your pleasure while giving him pleasure will make this an incredible experience for him.

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